Monday, July 14, 2008

DARK Chocolate Sorbet

(By the way, I am sorry that I take the worst pictures of food ever! You'll just have to trust me that it tastes good . . .)

Well, it is pretty obvious at this point that I love chocolate. In fact, I don't just love chocolate . . . I LOVE chocolate. Actually, I think it is safe to say that I am addicted to chocolate. I have to eat it every day. One summer I tried to go without chocolate for a while and the results were disastrous, as can be attested to by my sister Tiffany. And my preference in chocolate is the real deal: dark chocolate. I will eat milk chocolate in a pinch, but let's not even pretend that white chocolate is in any way a legitimate fix.

There is this cool recipe/food blog that I have been following for over a year now called Chocolate and Zucchini (Ironic? I think not.), and a little while ago the author, Clotilde, posted a recipe for Sorbet Chocolat Noir (No, I'm not snobby, she's French, ok?). It sounded interesting, and with the weather in Portland hovering in the high 80's and low 90's, I thought this would be the perfect time to try her recipe.

The moral of the story is, I just about licked up the drops I spilled off the counter. It was so dang good. Sam says it tastes like a dark chocolate fudgsicle, which is true, but consider yourselves warned: it is one of the most intensely chocolate creations I have ever eaten. It is not for the fair-weather chocolate lover. Even I couldn't eat very much of it without feeling overwhelmed (and that is saying a lot for a girl who downed pints of Ben & Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk nightly in college).

Dark Chocolate Sorbet
adapted from Chocolate and Zucchini

2 1/4 c. water
2/3 c. cocoa powder
1 c. sugar
1 c. semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/2 t. vanilla
a generous pinch of salt

In a small sauce pan bring water, cocoa, and sugar to a boil, whisking frequently. Remove from heat and add chocolate chips, letting it rest for 30 seconds (or so) while the chocolate melts. Add vanilla and salt and stir until chocolate is completely melted. Cool in refrigerator, then freeze in ice cream maker according to manufacturer's instructions. Makes about 4 servings.


Liz said...

Talk to me about ice cream makers. You obviously have one. What brand is it and where did you get it? Sounds like the kind of thing that would be right up my alley.

I was picturing you licking the drops of dark choco sorbet off the counter. It was hilarious. Then I pictured me doing it, too, and now I just really want to make this.

Blair said...

About ice cream makers: basically it would be my dream to have a self-freezing one. There is a model from Cuisanart that is about $300. Some day . . .
For the time being I have a great one that I put in the freezer the day before (at least). It is KitchenAid brand and it fits onto my mixer, which is awesome because it takes up less space. If you have a KitchenAid mixer, I would highly recommend this ice cream maker attachment.